Shinobi Striker Wiki

"Quick and powerful, Attack Types excel in close-range battles and focus on fighting enemies on the front line. They don't have very much defensive power, so mastering the art of the Substitution is key."

Attack Stance

The Attack Class' neutral stance

Attack Class Shinobi Attack are the first type of ninja in Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker.

This class are the default set upon first playing the game, with the following 3 immediately accessible. They are good all-around attackers with good close range damage and the second highest health value of the four classes, at 700 maximum (100 more than Heal and Ranged, 200 less than Defense). However, despite a relatively high health pool, due to their focus on close range combat, Attack Types can still be KO'd very easily if their aggression leads to the Attack Type placed in a disadvantageous situation.

Since Patch 2.21, Attack Type's heavy attacks have the special quality of preventing substitution. This can lead to infinite combos with certain weapons, primarily on builds that facilitate combo scaling resets.

Attack Class Masters:[]

Attack Class Ninjutsu:[]

Attack Class Ninjutsu
TeleportLeaf WhirlwindSeven BreathsSnake SummonLariatLightning ModeRasenganRasenshurikenMassive RasenLBSharinganKamuiLeaf FlashLeaf Rising WindGate of LimitsAlmighty PushUniversal PullPDVanish RasenTornado HighBoruto StrikeFlying RaijinFlying Raijin 2Rasen FlashLaughing BuddhaWood DragonShinsu SenjuOcto HugAcrobatEight TailsYouth RoarDynamic EntryEight Gates FormationRasenrampageKTIKLMHalo DanceOboroKotoSuper Uzumaki RasenganStrange TasteImperial WrathRitual DestructionBurning Ash 1Flaming MeteorsEnra 1Baryon Bullet BarrageBaryon Tail BreakerBaryon Mode1FTOHTruth-Seeking ScorchCross LanternNunobokoWood GolemDaikokuten ShokatsuGod HunterKarma Progression 1Two Tails TransformationRasengan ConnectionDemon Wind Bomb 1NT Rampage 1

Attack Class Weapons:[]

Attack Class Ninja Tools:[]

See Also:[]
