Shinobi Striker Wiki

Base battle icon Base Battles are one of the 4 online modes in Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker.

Duration: 7 minutes.

The objective of Base Battles is to take control of the 3 bases across the map until the points are maxed out, within 7 minutes. Like in Flag Battles, the way one does this is to stand in the base until it is captured; the more allies there are in the base's area, the faster it will be captured. If even 1 enemy is within the base area, the capturing will be suspended but not reset. The only way to reset a base that is being captured is to step inside its area while no enemies are there. There is always a base located near the spawn point of each team, and one in the middle of the arena.

Despite there being 3 bases, it only takes 2 to gain points - the more bases the team has, the quicker they get points. Each base can be stolen too.

The match ends when either team has captured the bases for long enough, or the team wins with the most points after the time limit is reached. The match will go into overtime if the points are tied after 5 minutes - the match will end if the opposing team gets more points than the winning team, or the latter take a base they don't currently own.

There are no In-Battle Scrolls but during extra time both teams will get a Chakra boost (if the player is dead when the extra time starts, they will not get it) until the end. If a player dies while having this boost, it will be cancelled after the player respawns.

See Also[]
