Shinobi Striker Wiki


Choji is arguably one of the strongest Masters of the Defense Class alone, with the likes of his Expansion Jutsu series of moves being able to clobber opponents silly when he has the chance to get started.

Partial Expansion Jutsu can break guards, Spiked Human Boulder is one of the best Jutsu to travel stages with, alongside Konan's Angelic Advent, and Super Expansion Jutsu can KO everyone around him in a great radius.


Rank Reward
Training Rank 1 Partial Expansion Jutsu Partial Expansion
Training Rank 2 Quality Scroll/Choji Costume Set Choji 1
Training Rank 3 Spiked Human Boulder SHB
Training Rank 4 Esoteric Scroll
Training Rank 5 Super Expansion Jutsu Super Expansion
Training Rank 6 Choji's Ninja Way T-Shirt Choji Shirt
Training Rank 7 Valuable Scrolls x3
Training Rank 8 Valuable Scrolls x3
Training Rank 9 Esoteric Scrolls x3
Training Rank 10 Title: Akimichi Clan

See Also:[]
