Shinobi Striker Wiki

NOTE: This is with default controls. Adjust accordingly if your button layout is different.


As to be expected, using the control stick moves the player around at various speeds. Players can run on walls too.

  • Having the In a Flash Costume Skill equipped will permanently increase your movement speed; Redoubled Effort is a temporary speed boost on respawn.

The X button (on PS4)/A button (on XOne)/W button (on PC) lets the player jump and double jump. Jumping on the wall from the ground will trigger a ninja animation, but using a double jump on the wall or jumping from a wall to another, won't do it.

Additionally, pressing R3 will lock on the opponent closest to the player. A red reticle indicates that the player character can charge at the target upon melee attacking. If the reticle is pink the target is too far away to charge at.

Not locked

Not locked target

Locked-Not chargeable

Pink:Locked but non chargable target

Locked- Chargeable

Red:Locked and Chargeable target

If you are down on the ground, you can roll away by pressing L2(guard button)+Direction.


By holding the L2/LT button/SHIFT, the player puts up a guard. This protects the player from close-up attacks up to around 12 light attacks, indicating guard damage by color - white, to yellow, to red. However, this can be broken with certain Ninjutsu, and the Heal Class' heavy attacks.

  • Having the Indestructible Costume Skill equipped will increase the amount of hits it takes to break your guard.

Pressing R2/RT when getting attacked while blocking will deflect, push the opponent away a fair distance, creating some leeway between the player and their attacker.

Pressing in a direction while guarding will make the player evade - dashing a small distance.

  • Having the Untouchable Costume Skill equipped will increase your evasion distance.

Chakra Jumping/Wire Kunai:[]

Pressing and holding the R2/RT/CTRL button with the player on the ground will activate a Chakra Jump. This will launch the player a long distance depending on how long they charge it - a sound will play and the player will flash blue when they are fully charged, which only takes 2 seconds. Since update 2.39 players can Chakra Jump vertically.

  • Having the Drawn Taut Costume Skill equipped will halve the Chakra Jump time.

Pressing the R2/RT/CTRL button with the player in the air will have the player throw a Wire Kunai, in place of a Chakra Jump. When this latches onto a wall, the player will zip towards it. Currently, throwing a Wire Kunai at an opponent doesn't do anything.

Close-up Attacks/Strong Attacks:[]

Pressing the square/X button/left click will make the player do a light attack. This can be pressed repeatedly to initiate a combo. Pressing it midair and away from the opponent will cause the player to charge towards the locked on opponent and track them from behind.

  • Having the One-Man Army Costume Skill equipped will increase the attack power of the first hit of a combo.
  • Having the Lightning Speed Costume Skill equipped will increase your close-range attack speed.
  • Having the Reckless Charge Costume Skill equipped will increase your tracking distance.

Pressing the triangle/Y/right click button will make the player do a heavy attack. These can be linked into light attack combos. They deal more damage than a light attack, but they are often times slower.

Ninja Tools:[]

Ninja tool icon

Pressing O/B/Q activates the user's equipped Ninja Tool. Like the Ninjutsu (below), these run on a cooldown system and each class has their own set to choose from - again, like Ninjutsu, these are not interchangeable by class (unless they are a part of the same class).

  • Having the All Geared Up Costume Skill equipped will increase your Ninja Tool strength.
  • Having the Armed and Dangerous Costume Skill equipped will decrease the Ninja Tool cooldown.


Each character gets 2 Ninjutsu, which run on a recovery meter when used up. The time it takes to use that technique again is different for each - however, by holding the button when it is unavailable, you can recharge it quicker. These are set to the L1/LB/1 & R1/RB/2 buttons by default.

  • Having the Power in Spades Costume Skill equipped will increase your Ninjutsu strength.
  • Having the Clear Mind Costume Skill equipped will decrease your Ninjutsu cooldown time.

Also note you cannot double up on any ninjutsu or interchange Ninjutsu from each class, i.e Palm Sage Jutsu on the Attack Class or Sand Shield on the Ranged Class.

Substitution Jutsu:[]

Substitution Jutsu are one of the 3 Ninjutsu types in Shinobi Striker, the others being regular Ninjutsu (above) & Secret Techniques (below).

Substitution icon

Substitution Jutsu are activated one of four ways: getting hit by an opponent and pressing the applicable button (R2/RT/CTRL by default), using the Sharingan Ninjutsu to activate a Substitution upon getting hit, activating Koto Amatsukami, or with Scientific Ninja Tool "Shadow Clone Jutsu", which also resets the user's Substitution stock(s). While not single-time use, the vast majority of them take a long time to recharge after use, so take caution after using it.

  • Having the Out of Thin Air Costume Skill equipped will decrease your Substitution cooldown time.

Secret Techniques:[]

Secret Techniques, otherwise known as Ultimate Jutsu, are the strongest attack types in the whole of Shinobi Striker, activated by pressing up on the D-Pad/3. These are only usable when the player's Secret Technique gauge is full; done by eliminating opponents, healing allies and simply being alive during the match.

Secret Tech icon
  • Having the First Blood Costume Skill equipped will decrease the time it takes to fill the Secret Technique gauge.


Pressing the Share button/Touchpad while not waiting for match will show the friend list and a list with other players in the lobby. Pressing it while in the waiting for a match will show match information [img1]: CaC type/Character, player tag/nickname, and if they are in a group - both on your team & the enemy's team. It will also show the stage will the match take place in and the type of battle (Barrier, Flag, Base and/or Combat Battles).

Holding the D-pad to the left or the Share button (ps4) during the match will show stage's map, information on your team and the enemy's team.

Holding the D-pad to the right in the lobby will let you see your winning rate, event rank etc, as well as a teammates'.

Pressing the pause/options button while in the lobby will show "Back to the game" , "Options", "Title Screen"

Pressing Triangle while waiting for the match [img2] to start allows you choose with which CaC type and set or Character (be aware that if you chose a Character you will have to play the entire match with it and won't be able to change it during the match, like with CaC) you want to start the match. If you chose a CaC type from 1 set yuo'll be able to play with types of only that set.

During Battle results[img4] you can press square to see console nicknames of players instead of in-game nicknames and by pressing it again you'll reverse it. If you do it, you'll permanently change to console's nickname during lobby and battles until you'll reverse it in the next Battle results screen.

Battle preview menu

img1. Battle preview

Type menu

img2. Battle menu


img3. Equipped skills

Battle results 1

img4. Battle results

Ps4 Xbox Computer
movement R3 w-a-s-d
camera L3 mouse
Lock on L3 (push) V
Jump X Space bar
Light atk Square Left click
Strong atk Triangle Right click
Tool O Q
Ultimate D-pad up 3
Ninjutsu 1 L1 1
Ninjutsu 2 R1 2
Guard L2 shift
Chakra jump R2 ctrl
Map D-pad left /options TAB
Comunication D-pad down X
Options Share button Esc

Mechanics not present in tutorial[]

- New buffs will override the previous buff on the same mechanic; ex: if a player is affected by slowness, maybe from Earth Style: Super Weighted Boulder Jutsu, he will become fast with Earth Style: Super Lightened Boulder Jutsu.

- Ultimates that don't have invulnerability will be canceled if the user is killed; ex: If Vapor Style: Solid Fog Jutsu's caster is killed, it will be immediatly be stopped; if Planetary Devastation's caster is killed before the target hits the ground, they will not die when it does.

Advanced Movement:

The landing recovery animation can be canceled by pressing the Chakra Jump button. The Chakra Jump wind-up animation can then further be canceled by other actions such as Jump, Dash, Ninjutsu and more, allowing for faster and more fluent game play.

Ps4 Xbox Computer
movement 1 while moveing with L3: R2+X(+X) on landing
movement 2 while moveing with L3: R2+L2+X(+X) on landing
movement 3 while moveing with L3: R2+X+L2+X) on landing
Wire kunai on wall R2+X on landing on the wall
Vertical wall climbing while haveing the camera faceing the wall and moveing with L3 upward: R2+X+X on each landing on wall
Lateral wall climbing while haveing the camera parallel to the wall moveing with L3 to the direction of wall(left ot right): R2+X+L2(dash in the direction of the wall) on landing
Melee can be used to stay in air but the duration and distance it depends on the weapon

See also:[]
