Shinobi Striker Wiki

"Defense Types have lots of Health and are very resilient. They can also learn a lot of defensive Ninjutsu in order to protect bases and keep the enemy at bay. They're slow but can cover for this by using powerful Long Sword swings."

Defense Stance

The Defense Class' neutral stance

Defense Class Shinobi Defense are the third type of ninja in Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker.

This class are the slowest, but deal the most damage with close range attacks. Their intended use is to help defend other players, namely Attackers so they can do their job and eliminate the opposition. They can also help block off areas with certain Ninjutsu, like Earth Style: Mud Wall Jutsu or Sand Shield. Defense Types are notable for having the highest maximum health of any type at 900 total (200 more than Attack, and 300 more than Heal and Ranged). They also have multiple Ninjutsu to further increase their survivability, such as Earth Style: Petrifying Jutsu and Subterranean Voyage.

Defense Type heavy attacks have the special quality of being super armored (preventing attacks from causing the user to flinch), allowing the user to power through certain attacks while dealing damage. With their base heavy attack, they are usually slow, but it can greatly weaken a target's guard, if not fully shattering it. With each weapon type, they greatly differ, like with the Giant Scythe - the user spins forward three times to attack.

Defense Class Masters:[]

Defense Class Ninjutsu:[]

Defense Class Ninjutsu
PetrifyingMud WallEarth ExplosionToad Summon8TPRWPRBSilent StrangleDomed WallDFEPartial ExpansionSHBSuper ExpansionSand ShieldSand ShowerGrand SandShark BombSub VoyageSuper SharkSnake ThrustRippleSage ModeToad BombsNeedle JizoBDTHDragon BombEarth Dragon BulletRDSFlame FormationClimaxBomb Blast DanceDemon HunterWater PrisonHidden Mist JutsuBody Blow8THS8T128PB StreamThunderclapLinchpinFTHHPSusano'o ArmorIndra ArrowRasengan UnisonSukunahikona 1Karma 1DaikokutenCASTZGuiding ThunderZeroshikiGDGBSand Tsunami 1Sand Coffin 1Playing PossumTsukumoGenjutsu SharinganKishin 1

Defense Class Weapons:[]

Defense Class Ninja Tools:[]


Version Date Changelog
Latest update: 2.08 29.08.2019 Avatar Ninja health has been reduced.

See Also:[]
