Shinobi Striker Wiki


Gaara is a cornerstone of the Defense Class. His attacks on the ground are quite slow, but deal a lot of damage, taking full advantage of his sand capabilities with the likes slashing attacks and sand half-circles. Despite this, he is abnormally fast in the air.

Sand Shield keeps him and any allies caught in the dome invincible - which is perfect for Base Battles, Sand Shower can deal continuous damage while slowing opponents down and Grand Sand Mausoleum can eliminate full hordes of enemies not only online, but in VR Missions so you can get a quicker end time.


Rank Reward
Training Rank 1 Sand Shield Sand Shield
Training Rank 2 Quality Scroll/

Gaara Costume Set Gaara 1

Training Rank 3 Sand Shower Sand Shower
Training Rank 4 Sand Clone Sand Clone
Training Rank 5 Grand Sand Mausoleum Grand Sand
Training Rank 6 Gaara's Ninja Way T-Shirt Gaara Shirt
Training Rank 7 Valuable Scrolls x3
Training Rank 8 Valuable Scrolls x3
Training Rank 9 Esoteric Scrolls x3
Training Rank 10 Title: Friend-Devoted

See Also:[]
