Shinobi Striker Wiki

There are a multitude of ways to play Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker:

Offline Modes[]

VR arena icon VR Ninjutsu Arena[]

The game's edition of a story mode, consisting of few missions that get more difficult with each rank.

Online Modes[]

Quick Match[]

  • Survival ex logo Survival Exercise - A free-for-all battle mode where 6 players aim to reach 600 points within 5 minutes.
  • Combat battle icon Combat Battles - A 4-on-4 match, to beat 10 opponents within 7 minutes.
  • Flag battle icon Flag Battles - A 4-on-4 match, to collect the opponent team's flag twice within 7 minutes.
  • Base battle icon Base Battles - A 4-on-4 match, to take and maintain up to 3 bases & collect enough points from them within 7 minutes.
  • Barrier battle icon Barrier Battles - A 4-on-4 match, to raise 2 stakes across the map & beat Gamakichi 5 minutes.


NWL minilogo Ninja World League[]

A pair of the above matches,(typically Combat/Flag or Combat/Base (Barrier Battles & Survival Exercise are not included)

NWF minilogo Ninja World Face-Off[]

Much the same as Survival Exercise, but aiming for a higher rank on the leaderboard.

NHF minilogo Ninja World Hero Festival[]

Similar to the League, but players can only use their assigned VR Masters.

Red & White Battles minilogo Red & White Battles[]

Much the same as the League, but players are assigned to one of 2 macro teame: Team Snake, Team Slug or Team Toad. Ranking & points are allocated differently in this event - instead of aiming from D5 to S1, the teams aim to win by overall points, with the max to get for rewards being 30,000.
