Shinobi Striker Wiki

"Heal Types focus on supporting their allies. Since they can heal, they won't go down easily, but they aren't good at full-on offense or defense. Good teamwork is key, and they should always be supporting from the rear."

Heal Stance

The Heal Class' neutral stance

Heal Class Shinobi Heal are the fourth and last type of ninja in Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker.

This class are the weakest in terms of physical attack, but that's not what they're primarily there for; they exist to heal allies, preserve their own health, support allies via buffs and debuffing enemies and bring their allies back from the dead (in certain conditions). They typically have longer ranged weapons alongside the Ranged Class, i.e Sewing Needle: Nuibari and the only other class to have traditional ninja swords. Of the four types in the game, Heal Type has the least maximum health, tied with Ranged Type at 600 total (100 less than Attack, 300 less than Defense). However, due to their ability to provide healing and buff allies, the survivability of a Heal Type is often much better than this number would suggest.

With all of Heal Type's weapons, their heavy attacks can immediately break an enemy's guard. It should be noted that for certain (not base game) weapons, this quality is given to the latter half/second hit of its heavy attack, meaning an enemy can deflect the first hit and preserve their guard.

Heal Class Masters:[]

Heal Class Ninjutsu:[]

Heal Class Ninjutsu
ParalysisPalm SageString LightSlug SummonHeavy BoulderInsect JammingCherry Blossom ClashCellular ExtractionMitotic RegenShadow PossessionShadow StitchingShadow PullAir PalmByakuganTwin Lion FistsCellular ActivationChakra ScalpelFeather IllusionCrimson DrizzleGRGHSpring StormHeaven KickNSRSlug HealingSuper WeightedSuper LightenedAtomic DismantlingMind TransMind Trans Palm SageMind Trans CloneWater PillarDissolvingSolid FogTruthseekerSPCRSix Paths ShurikenHundred Healings JutsuTsukuyomiYasaka BeadsIzanamiSSTBLimboInfinite TsukuyomiKurama RasenganEGVFMBAAme no MinakaParticle Pillar

Heal Class Weapons:[]

Heal Class Ninja Tools:[]

Heroes' Ninja Tool

Kunai Tool

Healing Seal - Type 2

Healing Seal

Sakura LogoSarada Logo

Ino LogoNaruto (LB) Icon

Shikamaru LogoHinata LogoKabuto LogoTsunade Logo

Ohnoki LogoMei LogoSakura GNW LogoMadara Six Paths Icon

See Also:[]
