Shinobi Striker Wiki


Kabuto is a double-edged-sword kind of character - he is incredibly valuable as an ally, but a complete annoyance as an enemy. His normal attacks are heavily snake-based as one would expect from him, and is rather powerful, given his class.

Even though it only heals himself, Cellular Activation is a devilishly good healing jutsu that rapidly refills the user's health. Chakra Scalpel completely nullifies any use of chakra, which can push opponents into a corner if they are not careful, and Feather Illusion Jutsu stops all opponents caught in it by putting them to sleep, leading to quick deaths in the right situations.


Rank Reward
Training Rank 1 Cellular Activation Cellular Activation
Training Rank 2 Quality Scroll/

Kabuto Robe Kabuto 1

Training Rank 3 Chakra Scalpel Chakra Scalpel
Training Rank 4 Esoteric Scroll
Training Rank 5 Feather Illusion Jutsu Feather Illusion
Training Rank 6 Kabuto's Ninja Way T-Shirt Kabuto Shirt
Training Rank 7 Valuable Scrolls x3
Training Rank 8 Valuable Scrolls x3
Training Rank 9 Esoteric Scrolls x3
Training Rank 10 Title: Self-Seeker

See Also:[]
