Shinobi Striker Wiki

"Medicine that improves abilities. When taken, it recovers health, removes status ailments, increases Ninjutsu resistance and temporarily prevents the user from flinching when hit by certain attacks."

Master of Medicine is one of the Ninja Tools available to use in Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker.


A single use item that quickly activates, shrouding the user with green flames, which restores health 10% and have their status ailments removed. For the following 13 seconds, the user gains Super Armor and increased Ninjutsu resistance. The effect is not lost when using the Secret Technique Ninjutsu "Karma Linchpin (Wild)".

Its Super Armor can be stopped by:

Can be prevented by guarding. Willl not lose the superarmor if using at the same time Mind Transmission Palm Sage Jutsu.

Master of Medicine (Ninja Tool) 1


Master of Medicine (Ninja Tool) 2

Lingering effect


Version Date Changelog
2.38 28.04.2022
  • Increased duration of buff effects from 10s to 13s while using the Ninja Tool.
  • Added an effect that increases resistance to Ninjutsu damage while using the Ninja Tool.
2.32 28.10.2021 - Adjusted window during which special actions can remove stun time.

- Adjusted buff timing during use.

- Decreased Ninja Tool cooldown time.
