Shinobi Striker Wiki


Mitsuki has the fastest strikes of all Defense Class masters in the base game - though that is not a bad thing. His expertise lies in his ability to stretch his arms akin to Street Fighter's Dhalsim, making him a borderline Ranged Class character.

Snake Thrust has the ability to crush most defenses, even with the likes of Sand Shield & Water Style: Water Pillar. Ripple is one of the only moves to actively bring an opponent close to the user (and the only for the Defense Class). And Sage Mode amplifies all his abilities, at the small cost of not being able to use Ninjutsu.


Rank Reward
Training Rank 1 Snake Thrust Snake Thrust
Training Rank 2 Quality Scroll/

Mitsuki Costume Set Mitsuki 1

Training Rank 3 Ripple Ripple
Training Rank 4 Esoteric Scroll
Training Rank 5 Sage Mode Sage Mode
Training Rank 6 Mitsuki's Ninja Way T-Shirt Mitsuki Shirt
Training Rank 7 Valuable Scrolls x3
Training Rank 8 Valuable Scrolls x3
Training Rank 9 Esoteric Scrolls x3
Training Rank 10 Title: Spawn

See Also:[]
