Shinobi Striker Wiki


Formerly an overworld-exclusive character, Seventh Hokage Naruto is the ninth and final character to be featured in Season Pass 2.

Naruto (BORUTO) is by far one of the strongest characters in the Attack Class alone, possible even of all the masters. His combo attacks leave little to be desired, since the vast majority of the attacks link into his Ninjutsu.

Rasen-Rampage is great as both a long-range AND close-range attack, since it does both; Kurama Twin Impact can knock anyone in close range away and remove their ability to Substitute for a time; and Kurama Link Mode can turn the tide of any battle if used appropriately.


Rank Reward
Training Rank 1 Ninja Master Unlocked
Training Rank 2 Rasen-Rampage Rasenrampage
Training Rank 3 Scientific Ninja Tool "Rasengan" Wind Bullet
Training Rank 4 Kurama Twin Impact KTI
Training Rank 5 Kurama Link Mode KLM
Training Rank 6 Shinobi Boost Seals
Training Rank 7 Hair (Naruto: The Last) Naruto Last Hair
Training Rank 8 Kurama Kurama
Training Rank 9 Shinobi Boost Seals
Training Rank 10 Hair (Hokage Hat) Hokage Hat

Honorary Title: Friend of the Nine Tails




See Also[]
