Shinobi Striker Wiki

"A Kunai Shuriken with a paper bomb attached. Once it hits a target, it explodes after a certain period of time and damages that target."

Paper Bomb Kunai are one of the Ninja Tools available to use in Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker.


The kunai is thrown in a straight line. If it hits an opponent, it will stick to them (even on guard) and the affected enemy will flash orange for 5 seconds before the tag detonates. The first hit only deals 5% damage, while the explosion does an extra 10%, which cannot be guarded.

The kunai will still be on the opponent even after they use their Substitution and will detonate as normal, but will not stick on a player with Sharingan active, though it will save them from the explosion if they activate Sharingan afterwards.

If the kunai misses, it will explode on impact when it hits a wall, or after a certain distance.

The explosion from the kunai can stop:

The explosion will not harm any enemies actively using:

See Also[]
