Shinobi Striker Wiki

Update Patch 1.01 - 08.31.2018[]

  • Improved UI handling in lobby facilities.
  • Improved online event features.
  • Users now receive online event rewards.
  • Implemented trial feature.
  • Fixed minor issues

Update Patch 1.02[]

Improved camera & network stability.

Update Patch 1.03[]

Improved network stability.

Update Patch 1.04[]

Improved network stability.

Update Patch 1.05 - 10.08.2018[]

Added Master: Jiraiya.

Update Patch 1.06 - 10.18.2018[]

Added Master: Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Added Red & White Battles online event.

Update Patch 1.07[]

Improved UI handling in lobby facilities, camera & network stability.

Rebalanced Ninjutsu & Secret Technique Ninjutsu[]


Update Patch 1.08[]

Added Beginners Matches.

Rebalanced Barrier Battles.

Matching optimized, and improved matching menu.

Rebalanced Ninjutsu & Secret Technique Ninjutsu[]


Update Patch 1.09 - 18.10.2018[]

Added Master: Orochimaru.

Rebalanced mission difficulty.

Improved playability in the lobby.

Update Patch 1.10 - 11.22.2018[]

Bug fixes, including an issue where a crash sometimes occurs when matching online.

Update Patch 1.12[]

New VS rules (Test Version) added, and VS rules rebalanced.

Mission difficulty rebalanced.

Result screen improvements.

Ninja Tools Shop menu improvements.

Rebalanced Ninjutsu & Secret Technique Ninjutsu[]


Update Patch 1.13 - 02.11.2018[]

Added Master: Tobirama Senju.

Expanded demo features.

Improved Red & White Battles.

Rebalanced Ninjutsu & Secret Technique Ninjutsu[]


Update Patch 2.00 - 11.15.2018[]

Added Master: Minato Namikaze.

Rebalanced actions.

Improved customization functionality.

Rebalanced Ninjutsu & Secret Technique Ninjutsu[]


Update Patch 2.02 - 11.17.2018[]

Added Master: Hashirama Senju.

Improved result screen.

Removed level cap.

Rebalanced Barrier Battle rules.

Adjusted original VR Masters' Training Rank Points.

Adjusted point acquisition for Ninja World League.

Changed battle map for Ninja World Face-Off.

Rebalanced Ninjutsu & Secret Technique Ninjutsu[]


Update Patch 2.04[]

Honorary titles added.

Improvements made to tutorials.

Solo missions can now be abandoned.

Improvements made to beginner matches.

Rebalanced Ninjutsu & Secret Technique Ninjutsu[]


Universal Pull

Wood Style: Wood Dragon Jutsu

  • Heals the caster for the amount of damage it deals to enemies.

Eight Inner Gates: Gate of Limits

  • Secret Technique gauge now charges faster.

Seven Heavenly Breaths

  • Secret Technique gauge now charges faster.

Lightning Style Chakra Mode

  • Secret Technique gauge now charges faster.


Fire Style: Hiding in Ash Jutsu

  • Now removes any debuffs affecting the caster when activated.

Totsuka Blade

  • Increased the damage dealt when hit.
  • Secret Technique gauge now charges faster.

Summoning Jutsu: Reanimation

  • Increased the damage dealt when hit.

Lightning Shuriken Net

  • Reduced the damage dealt when hit.
  • Cooldown time increased.


Earth Style: Earth Pillar Explosion

  • Increased the damage dealt when hit.
  • Secret Technique gauge now charges faster.
  • Applies a movement speed debuff on enemies it hits.
  • Applies a debuff reducing the range on jump, Chakra jump and wire kunai on enemies it hits.

Uchiha Flame Formation

  • Cooldown time decreased.
  • Area of effect radius reduced.


Heavy Boulder Jutsu

  • Will now hit enemies more reliably.
  • Grants the caster temporary Super Armor when activated.

Cellular Activation

  • Grants improved resistance to Ninjutsu damage when activated.

Crimson Drizzle

  • Disables substitutions on enemies it hits.
  • Applies an attack damage buff to the caster when activated.

Cherry Blossom Clash

  • Applies an attack damage debuff to enemies it hits.
  • Applies a faster Ninjutsu cooldown speed buff to the caster when activated.

Heavenly Foot of Pain

  • Applies a slower Ninjutsu cooldown speed debuff to enemies it hits.
  • Applies a defense buff to the caster when activated.

8 Trigrams Air Palm

  • Applies a faster Ninjutsu cooldown speed buff to the caster when activated.

Update Patch 2.05 - 01.28.2019[]

Added Master: Tsunade

Skill customization function added.

Rebalanced Barrier Battle rules.

Rebalanced VR Mission difficulty.

Improved the Ninja Tools Shop menu.

Improved the Inn menu.

Rebalanced Ninjutsu & Secret Technique Ninjutsu[]


Update Patch 2.06 - 02.21.2019[]

Added Master: Obito Uchiha

Rebalanced Ninja World Face-Off grades

Improved in-game information display

Rebalanced Ninjutsu & Secret Technique Ninjutsu[]


Update Patch 2.08 - 04.04.2019[]

Added Master: Madara Uchiha

Tutorial has been improved

New Lobby Actions[]

Rebalanced Ninjutsu & Secret Technique Ninjutsu[]


Update Patch 2.05 - 27.06.2019[]

Added Scientific Ninja Tools, starting with Scientific Ninja Tool "Wind Release Bullet"

Added Shinobi Boost Seals, which can change Outfit Skills, which also requires a set fee of Ryo.

Every allied KO in Barrier Battles has been reduced from 10 seconds to 5 seconds.

Players can favorite Outfit pieces in the Inn.

Added "Featured Items" category to the Ninja Tools Shop menu.

Added Rarity SS rank items.

Added black/gold banner when obtaining Rarity S or Rarity SS rank items, along with a new sound effect.

Rebalanced Ninjutsu & Secret Technique Ninjutsu[]


Tornado High

  • Now heals the player equal to the amount of damage it inflicts when hitting an enemy.

Flying Raijin Jutsu

  • Now applies a movement speed buff to the user after placing a kunai.
  • Reduced the amount of time players have to activate the second effect of the ninjutsu.

Sage Art, Wood Style: Shinsu Senju Veritable 1000-Armed Kan'on & Chojo Kebutsu Artifacts of the Buddha!


Tandem Paper Bomb

  • Area of effect radius increased to more consistently hit enemies.
  • Secret Technique gauge now charges faster.
  • Now hits players who have Earth Style: Subterranean Voyage active.

Totsuka Blade

  • Now applies a respawn time debuff to enemies it hits.

Heaven Concealed

Fire Style: Giant Flame Bombs

  • Reduced damage done to enemies it hits.


Summoning: Bring Down The House Jutsu

Earth Style: Petrifying Jutsu

  • Reduced the amount of health recovered.


Sealing Jutsu: String Light Formation

  • Secret Technique gauge now charges faster.

Substitution Ninjutsu[]

Lightning Style: Shadow Clone Jutsu

  • Now additionally applies an attack damage debuff to an enemy when touched.