Update Patch 2.16[]
Update Patch 2.17 - 07.30.2020[]
Added Master: Kakashi Hatake (Double Sharingan)
Update Patch 2.18[]
Update Patch 2.19 - 09.24.2020[]
Added Master: Neji Hyuga
Update Patch 2.20 - 11.01.2020[]
Rebalanced Ninja Tools[]
▲ Scientific Ninja Tool "Purple Lightning"
- Increased the time Super Armor is effective when you use the Ninja Tool.
Rebalanced Costume Skills[]
▲ Vengeful Fury
- Increased close-range attack damage boost when an ally gets knocked out.
▲ Last Stand
- Increased close-range attack damage boost when health drops.
▲ One in a Million
- Increased Ninjutsu cooldown reduction when an enemy gets knocked out.
▲ Unbending Will
- Increased Ninjutsu cooldown reduction when health drops.
▲ Redoubled Effort
- Increased movement speed boost when respawning.
Rebalanced Ninjutsu & Secret Technique Ninjutsu[]
- Increased the amount of Secret Technique gauge must advance before activation.
- Added an effect that reduces enemy health recovery when they are hit.
- Decreased the amount of Secret Technique gauge must advance before activation.
► Hidden Jutsu: Crystal Ice Mirrors
- Reduced damage dealt to enemies hit.
- Added an effect that reduces enemy health recovery when they are hit.
- Increased the amount of Secret Technique gauge must advance before activation.
- Added an effect that resets enemies' Ninjutsu Stock.
- Increased additional damage dealt to enemies hit.
- Increased Ninjutsu cooldown time.
- Increased additional damage dealt to enemies hit.
- Adjusted so it can be activated mid-air.
- Increased the amount the enemy Secret Technique gauge is reduced by on hit.
- Increased Ninjutsu cooldown time.
- Increased the amount of health recovered when the Secret Technique Ninjutsu is activated.
Update Patch 2.21 - 20.11.2020[]
Added Master: Shisui Uchiha
Rebalanced Ninja Tools[]
- Increased damage dealt to enemies.
- Reduced restriction damage dealt to enemies.
- Added an effect that resets the Substitution stock of enemies.
Rebalanced Avatars and Ninja Masters[]
- Added an effect that prevents Substitution to a Strong Attack.
Rebalanced Ninjutsu & Secret Technique Ninjutsu[]
- Added an effect that increases Ninjutsu damage.
- Adjusted the movement speed boost to now also increase jumping ability.
- Increased damage dealt to enemies.
- Reduced restriction damage dealt to enemies.
▲ Eight Inner Gates: Gate of Limits
- Added an effect that increases attack-tracking speed.
- Added an effect that increases evasion range.
- Added an effect that increases attack-tracking speed.
▲ Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu
- Added effect that reduces enemy movement speed.
- Decreased the amount that's reduced from the enemy's defense.
- Increased enemy downtime.
- Increased damage dealt to enemies.
- Reduced restriction damage dealt to enemies.
- Added effect that increases the Ninjutsu cooldown time of enemies.
- Removed effect that reduced the distance of the enemy's ranged attacks.
- Increased damage dealt to enemies.
- Reduced restriction damage dealt to enemies.
- Increased damage dealt to enemies.
- Reduced restriction damage dealt to enemies.
- Increased slip damage dealt to enemies.
- Reduced restriction damage dealt to enemies.
▲ Wood Style: Silent Strangle Jutsu
- Increased damage dealt to enemies.
- Reduced restriction damage dealt to enemies.
▲ Gentle Fist Technique: Body Blow
- Increased damage dealt to enemies.
- Increased enemy downtime.
- Added effect that increases defense while the Ninjutsu is active.
- Adjusted so that the Ninjutsu will not be canceled by certain enemy Ninja Tools.
- Reduced restriction damage dealt to enemies.
- Increased damage dealt to enemies.
- Reduced restriction damage dealt to enemies.
- Increased the amount that's reduced from the enemy's defense.
- Added effect that reduces the enemy's Secret Technique gauge.
- Increased amount of Secret Technique gauge needed to activate Secret Technique Ninjutsu.
Substitution Ninjutsu[]
► Lightning Style: Shadow Clone Jutsu
- Increased damage dealt to enemies by clones' jutsu.
- Reduced restriction damage dealt to enemies by clones' jutsu.
- Increased damage dealt to enemies by clones' jutsu.
- Reduced restriction damage dealt to enemies by clones' jutsu.
► Crystal Ice Mirror Clone Jutsu
- Increased damage dealt to enemies by clones' jutsu.
- Reduced restriction damage dealt to enemies by clones' jutsu.
- Added effect that increases the cooldown time of enemies hit by clones' jutsu.
- Removed effect that reduced the distance of ranged attacks for enemies hit by clones' jutsu.
Update Patch 2.22 - 12.18.2020[]
Rebalanced Ninjutsu & Secret Technique Ninjutsu[]
▲ Sage Art: Wind Style Rasen Shuriken
- Added effect that penetrates Earth Style: Petrifying Jutsu
- Added effect that reduces enemy movement speed
- Added effect that penetrates Earth Style: Petrifying Jutsu
- Increased the effectiveness of shortened ninjutsu cooldown time
- Increased potency of the effect that lowers the enemy's defense
Update Patch 2.23 - 29.01.2021[]
Added Master: Naruto Uzumaki (Last Battle)
Rebalanced Ninjutsu & Secret Technique Ninjutsu[]
▲ Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu
- Prevents enemies from using Substitution.
- Adjusted the number of hits.
- Adjusted damage to match the number of hits.
- Damaged increased if all hits land.
▼ Fire Style: Hiding in Ash Jutsu
- This has been adjusted so that it is no longer possible to obtain flags in Flag Battle or bases in Base Battle while using Ninjutsu.
▲ Earth Style: Earth Pillar Explosion
- Reduces enemy attack-tracking speed.
- Reduces enemy evasion range.
▼ Earth Style: Subterranean Voyage
- No longer possible to obtain flags in Flag Battle or bases in Base Battle while using Ninjutsu.
▲ Earth Style: Super Lightened Boulder Jutsu
- Decreased Ninjutsu cooldown time.
- Decreased Substitution Ninjutsu cooldown time.
- Increases enemy attack-tracking speed.
- Increases enemy evasion range.
▲ Earth Style: Super Weighted Boulder Jutsu
- Reduces enemy attack-tracking speed.
- Reduces enemy evasion range.
Update Patch 2.24 - 02.25.2021[]
Rebalanced Ninja Tools[]
- Reduces enemy attack tracking ability
- Reduces enemy evasion range
▲ Scientific Ninja Tool "Earth Release Bullet"
- Changed "reduces enemy attack tracking distance" to "reduces enemy attack tracking ability"
- Reduces enemy evasion range
Rebalanced Ninjutsu & Secret Technique Ninjutsu[]
▲ Wood Style: Laughing Buddha Jutsu
- Changed "reduces enemy movement speed" to "reduces enemy action speed"
- Decreases enemy attack tracking ability
- Boosts enemy evasion distance
► Uchiha Shuriken Jutsu: Oboroguruma
- Reduces damage to enemies hit by ninjutsu
- Boosts enemy evasion distance
- Changed "reduces enemy attack tracking distance" to "reduces enemy attack tracking ability" and increased length of effect
- Reduces enemy evasion range
▲ Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bullet
- Changed "reduces enemy movement speed" to "reduces enemy action speed"
- Reduces enemy evasion range
- Decreases enemy attack tracking ability
- Increases knock-down value of enemies hit by ninjutsu
Update Patch 2.25 - 09.04.2021[]
Added Master: Boruto Uzumaki (Karma)
Rebalanced Weapons[]
▲ Iron Knuckles Weapons
- Increased damage dealt to enemies by certain Strong Attacks on the ground.
- Increased downtime to enemies hit by certain Strong Attacks on the ground.
Applies to:
▲ Asuma's Ninja Knuckle Knives
- Increased damage dealt to enemies hit by certain Strong Attacks in the air.
- Increased downtime to enemies hit by certain Strong Attacks in the air.
- Increased downtime to enemies hit by certain Strong Attacks on the ground.
▲ Scientific Ninja Tool "Red Flying Swallow"
- Increased damage dealt to enemies by certain Strong Attacks on the ground.
- Increased downtime to enemies hit by certain Strong Attacks on the ground.
- Increased damage dealt to enemies by certain Strong Attacks in the air.
- Increased downtime to enemies hit by certain Strong Attacks in the air."
Rebalanced Ninja Tools[]
▲ Scientific Ninja Tool "Glimmering Flames"
- Changed the damaged behavior of enemies hit.
- Added continuous damage effect to enemies hit.
Rebalanced Ninjutsu & Secret Technique Ninjutsu[]
▼ Sage Art: Wind Style Rasen Shuriken
- Increased Ninjutsu cooldown time.
- Increased Ninjutsu cooldown time.
- Changed reduces enemy movement speed to reduces enemy action speed
- Reduced damage dealt to enemies by Secret Technique Ninjutsu.
Substitution Ninjutsu[]
- Changed reduces enemy movement speed to reduces enemy action speed
Update Patch 2.26 - 22.04.2021[]
Retooled "movement speed" effects to "action speed", which impacts:
- Movement speed
- Jump height
- Chakra Jump distance
- Wire Kunai movement speed
Rebalanced Ninjutsu/Secret Technique Ninjutsu[]
▲ Rasengan
- Changed "reduces enemy movement speed" to "reduces enemy action speed."
► Wood Style: Laughing Buddha Jutsu
- Increased damage dealt to enemies.
- Increased sealing-damage scaling on enemies.
► Uchiha Shuriken Jutsu: Oboroguruma
- Increased sealing-damage scaling on enemies.
- Ninjutsu cooldown time now starts after status ailments end.
- Now cancels Truthseeker Orbs of hit enemies.
- Increased sealing-damage scaling on enemies.
- Increased the defense-reduction duration on enemies.
- Increased Ninjutsu cooldown time.
- Increased sealing-damage scaling on enemies.
- Increased enemy health recovery time.
- Increases enemies' Substitution and Ninjutsu cooldown times.
- Increased sealing-damage scaling on enemies.
▲ Hidden Jutsu: A Thousand Needles of Death
- Increased damage dealt to enemies.
▲ Summoning Jutsu: Reanimation
- Reduced Secret Technique gauge needed for activation.
- Reduces target action speed.
- Reduces the target's Secret Technique gauge.
- Changed effect from "reduced target movement speed" to "reduced target action speed".
▲ Earth Style: Subterranean Voyage
- Decreased Ninjutsu cooldown time.
- Changed effect from "reduced target movement speed" to "reduced target action speed".
- Increased sealing-damage scaling on enemies.
- Increased damage dealt to enemies.
- Reduced damage dealt to enemies.
Substitution Ninjutsu[]
▲ Crystal Ice Mirror Clone Jutsu
- Increased enemies' Substitution and Ninjutsu cooldown times.
Rebalanced Weapons[]
- Increased sealing-damage scaling on enemies.
▲ Scientific Ninja Tool "Rasengan"
- Changed effect from "reduced target movement speed" to "reduced target action speed".
Update Patch 2.27 - 3.06.2021[]
Retooled demo version into "Lite Version".
Lite Version users now have access to the following facilities:
Rebalanced Ninjutsu and Secret Techniques[]
- Added an effect that cancels Super Armor of hit enemies.
- Changed "reduces enemy movement speed" to "reduces enemy action speed".
- Changed "increases movement speed" to "increases action speed".
▲ Eight Inner Gates: Gate of Limits
- Changed "increases movement speed" to "increases action speed".
- Changed "increases movement speed" to "increases action speed".
- Changed "increases movement speed" to "increases action speed".
- Changed "reduces enemy movement speed" to "reduces enemy action speed".
- Added effect that recovers user health by the amount of damage the Jutsu causes.
- Changed "increases movement speed" to "increases action speed".
Rebalanced Weapons[]
- Changed "reduces enemy movement speed" to "reduces enemy action speed".
- Added effect that cancels Super Armor of hit enemies.
Ranged and Heal-type[]
- Added effect that cancels Super Armor of hit enemies.