Shinobi Striker Wiki

"A Ninja Tool filled with smoke. It'll explode after hitting a target or after a certain period of time after being thrown and releases a poisonous cloud that deals damage over time."

Poisonous Smoke Bombs are one of the Ninja Tools available to use in Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker.

As of current, Sasori is the only Master to have this as their Ninja Tool.


The smoke bomb is thrown in a large arc. After 2 seconds or if it hits someone, the ball explodes into purple gas that stops targets in their tracks, and take poison damage for 10 seconds.

If it hits an opponent, it takes them out of Super Armor from:


Version Date Changelog
2.37 31.03.2022
  • Increased poison damage dealt to enemies on hit.
  • Added a health recovery-decreasing effect on to hit enemies.