Shinobi Striker Wiki


"A monster suddenly appeared and started attacking Hidden Leaf Village! Yamato has erected a Defense Gate to stop it, but if this gate falls, the village is done for. Hurry to the gate and follow Kakashi's orders so that the gate stays protected!"

The Mission:[]

Kakashi asks the player(s) for help concerning the gate that Yamato has set up to block out waves of all kinds of enemies:

To beat the level, the player must defeat all waves of enemies before all gates fall.


The player gets 1 chance to protect the gate from 2 waves of 2 groups of enemies, consisting of all types of Ten Tails Clones and White Zetsu.

If the gate falls, Mission Fail


The player gets 2 chances to protect the gate from 2 waves of 3 groups of enemies, consisting of all types of Ten Tails Clones and White Zetsu.

If a gate falls, the next wave of enemies comes.


The player gets 3 chances to protect the gate from 3 waves of 3 groups of enemies, consisting of all types of Ten Tails Clones, and White Zetsu. Hidden Sand Ninja, Hidden Cloud Ninja & humanoid Detonating Clay will appear sequentially, then Kabuto will appear as a boss for the end of the 2nd wave, and a Giant Snake appears at the last wave.

If a gate falls, the next wave of enemies comes.


The player gets 3 chances to protect the gate from 3 waves of 3 groups of enemies, consisting of all types of Ten Tails Clones, and White Zetsu. Hidden Sand Ninja, Hidden Cloud Ninja, Hidden Sound Ninja, Hidden Stone Ninja & humanoid Detonating Clay will appear sequentially, then Gaara will appear as a boss for the end of the 2nd wave, and Shukaku appears at the end of the last wave.

If a gate falls, the next wave of enemies comes.


The player gets 3 chances to protect the gate from 3 waves of 3 groups of enemies, including a battle with Gyuki at the end.

If a gate falls, the next wave of enemies comes.
