Shinobi Striker Wiki

"This type excels in long-distance attacks. They use Ninja Tools and Ninjutsu to attack enemies beyond their range. They aren't good at close-range combat, so they always need to be ready to employ hit-and-run tactics."

Ranged Stance

The Ranged Class' neutral stance

Ranged Class Shinobi Ranged are the second type of ninja in Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker.

This class have the least amount of health, tied with Heal Types at 600 total (100 less than Attack, and 300 less than Defense). They are arguably the best type offensively, but the worst in terms of durability, since they can attack from any distance and deal a great deal of damage, but have comparatively less options to reduce damage or recover health compared to all other types.

With their base heavy attack, they throw a pair of Kunai at their selected target. While fast, it doesn't do a whole lot of damage, but it can keep opponents at a distance. Certain weapons, especially those of SS or SS+ Rarity may launch projectiles unique to the weapon. Currently, the one exception to this quality is Hanzo's Sickle, which instead drags enemies in with a long-range strike.

Even though the Created Character can't use Kunai, the vast majority of Masters use them, with the only exceptions being Haku using a 4-stock Senbon, and Sasori with the Poisonous Smoke Bomb.

Ranged Class Masters:[]

Ranged Class Ninjutsu:[]

Ranged Class Ninjutsu
Flame BombsPhoenix FlowerGiant BombsSalamander SummonLightning NetFlame ControlSusano'o ControlLBFire BallKirinLion ScrollBird ScrollGod DrawingC2 DragonTwin BirdsC4KAmaterasuPhoenix ClawTotsuka BladeAngelic AdventShikigami ShieldShikigami StormMSSSGreat BreachReanimationWater DragonSevering WaveTandem BombMDFHiding in AshHeaven ConcealedIcicle SwallowThousand NeedlesCrystal MirrorsFlame LightningHHPOnyx ChidoriTakemikazuchiKLBKamui BondKamui ShurikenChikushodo JutsuShurado JutsuGedo StatueWind Scythe JutsuBlade DanceSea DragonFlying Raijin SliceSteam ImpDual LayerFlash SliceVRFMKarma Awakening 1Thousand Hands 1Iron Sand Unleash 1Hundred PuppetsSix Tails Transformation

Ranged Class Weapons:[]

Ranged Class Ninja Tools:[]

See Also:[]
