Shinobi Striker Wiki


Sarada acts like Itachi in terms of playstyle - rather quick and likes to use kunai. She's not as strong as her mother, but she is more versatile.

Like Sakura, her Ninjutsu follow the same pattern: 1 offensive - Crimson Drizzle, a jumping strike to the ground that prevents use of Substitutions; and 2 healing Jutsu: Green Rain Ground Hold - a technique that would go on to replace the original Healing Seal as they were so similar, and her Secret Technique, Uchiha Shuriken Jutsu: Spring Storm - an insta-kill technique that also heals everyone around her.


Rank Reward
Training Rank 1 Crimson Drizzle Crimson Drizzle
Training Rank 2 Quality Scroll/

Sarada Costume Set Sarada 1

Training Rank 3 Green Rain Ground Hold GRGH
Training Rank 4 Esoteric Scroll
Training Rank 5 Uchiha Shuriken Jutsu: Spring Storm Spring Storm
Training Rank 6 Sarada's Ninja Way T-Shirt Sarada Shirt
Training Rank 7 Valuable Scrolls x3
Training Rank 8 Valuable Scrolls x3
Training Rank 9 Esoteric Scrolls x3
Training Rank 10 Title: Next Generation Ninja

See Also:[]
