Shinobi Striker Wiki

"A Scientific Ninja Tool designed for the fists. Clenching it increases the user's power through chakra, which then unleashes an explosion that blasts away enemies with a single powerful hit. Attack opponents with an explosive rage, literally and figuratively."

Scientific Ninja Tool "Backhanded Explosion" is one of the Weapons available in Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker and is exlcusive to the Heal Class.


The user wears gauntlets which rest on the back of their hands. The gauntlets continuously glow with an orange aura, and create explosive effects when striking.

The light attack consists of a palm strike executed with the left hand, followed up by a right-handed punch and ends with an explosive jump kick. In the air, the light attack is a right-handed punch, followed by a spinning kick and ends with an explosive downward punch.

The heavy attack begins with a slow yet impactful right-handed palm strike, and ends with an explosion which slightly pushes the user back. In the air the heavy attack is an explosive uppercut, followed by a swift corkscrew spin into a series of short explosions made directly in front of the user with their left hand.

Usage Tips[]

The initial palm strike of the light attack for this weapon can be easily cancelled into a series of seven rapid strikes similar to the attack combo for Hinata Hyuga.

The uppercut portion of the air strong attack is especially useful for gaining vertical altitude. When executed at the end of a jump, the user can reach even greater heights as if their double jump was a "triple jump". The corkscrew attack at the end of the strong air combo allows for some additional forward motion and can be helpful to cross gaps or get closer to a wall.

See Also:[]

Attack Class WeaponsAtk typ weapo: Hand to Hand CombatNinja Knuckle KnivesIron KnucklesClawsGloves, BoxingGloves, Black CatAsuma KnivesSnow Rabbit KnucklesBat ClawsIce ClawChakra Claw AlphaRed Flying SwallowChakra Claw BetaValentine ClawBurning SunTrick Pumpkin GloveThunder GodCarapaceViolet SoulSNT Shooting StarStorm SphereViolet PetalsTwin FangsShisui SpearSunbeamClaw Edge KuramaFourth Raikage GauntletValiant ThreadsShinobi Ware Kawaki
Ranged Class WeaponsRange type weapon: KunaiHidden Leaf BladeChakra DaggerHidden Cloud Short SwordKusanagi SwordThunderswordsSpatulaDumplings, MitarashiKusanagi Sword, OrochimaruKunai, Flying RaijinCandy AppleSasuke Ninja BladeKakashi Chakra SwordNinja Blade UchihaThunderswordsHoliday BellShisui KatanaUtakata PipeLFBDouble Water CannonDouble Fire CannonThird Kazekage WeaponHanzo SickleTenten ScrollHoly Monk LikenessViolet Might
Defense Class WeaponsDef type weapon: Long SwordSamehada SealSamehadaGiant ScytheGiant FanShibukiSeverswordTwinswordClaw ClubSmoking PipeAdamantine StaffMadara FanSword of NunobokoLong Sword, HashiramaSeversword, Demon HumanKagemasa's SwordPaddleChocolate-Covered BananaBroomInk Brush ZenithChocolate MarshmallowSamehada, LunacyTwinswords, ReleaseBlastsword Shibuki ReleaseDouble Moon SwordDouble Moon Sword ZeroSwirling StormRhapsodyTemari FanBladed MachineNyoiHacksawFrost HawkIwabe StaffDreaming MoonYagura Club
Heal Class WeaponsHeal type weapon: Ninja SwordKurosawaFrying PanKnifeNuibariNinja Sword, Tobirama1 Sho BottleItachi BladeKimimaro BoneTayuya Demon FluteItachi BladeSakura NaginataNineTailsSwordUmbrellaNuibariScattered RainSpin of RebellionMadara StaffScientific Ninja Tool "Backhanded Explosion"Crimson SpearViolent WavesKurosawaRound-Tipped SpearSakura HatchetRhombus BladeSpinning ArmsSealed Blade Totsuka BladeFading BlossomSage ArmsAburame Insects