Shinobi Striker Wiki
Shinobi Striker Wiki

"A Demon Wind Shuriken with chakra contained in its blade. Though this Scientific Ninja Tool is slow, it's blessed with high attack power and flies after its target, returning to its user after traveling a certain distance. It also has high piercing power and can easily overpower other Ninja Tools."

Scientific Ninja Tool "Crimson Star" are one of the Ninja Tools available to use in Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker.

This is exclusive to the Ranged Class.


The user throws out the tool like a Demon Wind Shuriken - however, instead of travelling a long distance, it travels a short way and spins on the spot, shredding any opponents caught in its range for 2 seconds before returning to the user.

As of Ver. 2.30, enemies hit in the air will not fall after the first hit, but they will be stunned for the remaining duration of the tool's attack.

Crimson star in action

Maximum distance

See Also[]


Version Date Changelog
Latest update: 2.30 26.08.2021
  • Adjusted to make it easier to hit airborne enemies with it until the end of use.
  • Adjusted the downtime of enemies hit by it.