Shinobi Striker Wiki

"A scientific ninja tool with a shadow clone scroll attached. When used, a shadow clone takes place of the user, who will instantly appear behind their target. Replenishes user's Substitution stock."

Scientific Ninja Tool "Shadow Clone Jutsu" is one of the Ninja Tools available to use in Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker.


The user charges a Scientific Tool shot, only to feign it and deploy a Shadow Clone - the user teleporting behind it. A successful use will restore the user's Substitution Stock(s); as of Version 2.30, it nullifies all attacks (except Secret Tech) until the tool activates and cures status ailments when the tool is activated.

This will always be the Shadow Clone Jutsu Substitution, meaning it does not change based on equipped Substitution; however, it WILL change if the user equips:

See Also[]


Version Date Changelog
Latest update: 2.30 26.08.2021
  • Reduced activation time.
  • Added an effect that nullifies all attacks (except Secret Tech) until the tool activates.
  • Added an effect that cures status ailments when the tool is activated.