Shinobi Striker Wiki

"A scientific ninja tool with a water-style scroll attached. Multiple balls of water appear in front of the user, damaging any targets they touch and resetting their Ninja Tool and Ninjutsu cooldown times."

Scientific Ninja Tool "Water Release Bullet" is one of the Ninja Tools available to use in Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker.


Upon activation, a ring of smallish bubbles of water appear in front of the user. They deal minimal damage, but upon hit, the affected's Ninja Tool and Ninjutsu stocks are depleted.

As of Version 2.28, it increases Ninjutsu and Ninja Tool cooldown times and cancels Super Armor for moves such as Demon Hunter & Sage Art: Shadow Style: Thunder Blast.

See Also[]


Version Date Changelog
2.36 24.02.2022
  • Adjusted the damage behavior of enemies hit by the NT
  • Decreased cooldown
2.28 25.06.2021 - Added an effect that increases Ninjutsu and Ninja Tool cooldown times for hit enemies.

- Added an effect that cancels Super Armor of hit enemies.
