Shinobi Striker Wiki

Scrolls are the lootboxes of Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker. Depending on the scroll, they can grant you Costumes, Accessories, Weapons, Face Paint and a slim possibility of Scientific Ninja Tools.

Scrolls are obtained through levelling up, completing Master Training, by participating events or buying them from Tenten's Ninja Tools Shop.

To appraise them, go to the Ninja Tools Shop and select the "Scroll Appraisal" option.

*As of Ver. 2.11, there are 6 types of Scroll:

  • Moonlight Scroll* - highest ranking items, highest chance of SS rank items. Purchasable only through PlayStation, Steam, or Microsoft Store. (introduced in 2.11)
  • Plain Scroll - low ranking items or small sums of Ryo, no chance of SS nor S rank items. 500 is the max amount of scrolls a player can own.
  • Quality Scroll - mid-ranking items or moderate sums of Ryo, no chance of SS rank items.
  • Valuable Scroll - high ranking items, minimal chance of SS rank items.
  • Esoteric Scroll - highest ranking items, high chance of SS rank items.
  • Kakashi Scroll - Items you obtain from VR Missions, often times unique to that game mode's.
Plain scroll icon

Plain scroll

Quality scroll

Quality scroll

Valuable Scroll

Valuable scroll

Esoteric scroll

Esoteric scroll

Moonlight scroll

Moonlight scroll

Kakashi's scroll

Kakashi scroll


Version Date Changelog
Latest update: 2.11 28.11.2019 "Moonlight Scrolls" have become available for purchase from the store.