Shinobi Striker Wiki
Shinobi Striker Wiki

"A jutsu that utilizes a special breathing technique to enhance your physical abilities. Automatically heals the user's health, as well as boosting attack power and movement speed."

Seven Heavenly Breaths is one of the Secret Techniques available to use in Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker, the default for the Attack Class.


The user does multiple poses, then shrouds their body in translucent energy for 15 seconds, boosting their attack power, movement speed and refills their health slowly over time.

Usage Tips[]

Seven Heavenly Breaths best benefits those who admire status boosts to help top up their damage output. While not a physical attack, it is a good gateway into learning the Attack Class.

With the user's health refilling right at activation, it's best to keep your distance if they're an enemy using it, as it will be impossible to take off any remaining health on your own. And if you're low on health, have an ally heal you before you take them on.


Seven Heavenly Breaths in action.

Substitutions: Sub JutsuShadow CloneInk CloneLightning CloneWood CloneHSMSand CloneClay CloneWater CloneBird ClonePaper CloneSnake CloneStone CloneIce CloneSwift StepMulti Shadow CloneClone ExplosionTSHEmergency ExitBaryon BreakthroughYomotsuNT Raiment
Attack Class Jutsu: TeleportLeaf WhirlwindSeven BreathsSnake SummonLariatLightning ModeRasenganRasenshurikenMassive RasenLBSharinganKamuiLeaf FlashLeaf Rising WindGate of LimitsAlmighty PushUniversal PullPDVanish RasenTornado HighBoruto StrikeFlying RaijinFlying Raijin 2Rasen FlashLaughing BuddhaWood DragonShinsu SenjuOcto HugAcrobatEight TailsYouth RoarDynamic EntryEight Gates FormationRasenrampageKTIKLMHalo DanceOboroKotoSuper Uzumaki RasenganStrange TasteImperial WrathRitual DestructionBurning Ash 1Flaming MeteorsEnra 1Baryon Bullet BarrageBaryon Tail BreakerBaryon Mode1FTOHTruth-Seeking ScorchCross LanternNunobokoWood GolemDaikokuten ShokatsuGod HunterKarma Progression 1Two Tails TransformationRasengan ConnectionDemon Wind Bomb 1NT Rampage 1
Ranged Class Jutsu: Flame BombsPhoenix FlowerGiant BombsSalamander SummonLightning NetFlame ControlSusano'o ControlLBFire BallKirinLion ScrollBird ScrollGod DrawingC2 DragonTwin BirdsC4KAmaterasuPhoenix ClawTotsuka BladeAngelic AdventShikigami ShieldShikigami StormMSSSGreat BreachReanimationWater DragonSevering WaveTandem BombMDFHiding in AshHeaven ConcealedIcicle SwallowThousand NeedlesCrystal MirrorsFlame LightningHHPOnyx ChidoriTakemikazuchiKLBKamui BondKamui ShurikenChikushodo JutsuShurado JutsuGedo StatueWind Scythe JutsuBlade DanceSea DragonFlying Raijin SliceSteam ImpDual LayerFlash SliceVRFMKarma Awakening 1Thousand Hands 1Iron Sand Unleash 1Hundred PuppetsSix Tails Transformation
Defense Class Jutsu: PetrifyingMud WallEarth ExplosionToad Summon8TPRWPRBSilent StrangleDomed WallDFEPartial ExpansionSHBSuper ExpansionSand ShieldSand ShowerGrand SandShark BombSub VoyageSuper SharkSnake ThrustRippleSage ModeToad BombsNeedle JizoBDTHDragon BombEarth Dragon BulletRDSFlame FormationClimaxBomb Blast DanceDemon HunterWater PrisonHidden Mist JutsuBody Blow8THS8T128PB StreamThunderclapLinchpinFTHHPSusano'o ArmorIndra ArrowRasengan UnisonSukunahikona 1Karma 1DaikokutenCASTZGuiding ThunderZeroshikiGDGBSand Tsunami 1Sand Coffin 1Playing PossumTsukumoGenjutsu SharinganKishin 1
Heal Class Jutsu: ParalysisPalm SageString LightSlug SummonHeavy BoulderInsect JammingCherry Blossom ClashCellular ExtractionMitotic RegenShadow PossessionShadow StitchingShadow PullAir PalmByakuganTwin Lion FistsCellular ActivationChakra ScalpelFeather IllusionCrimson DrizzleGRGHSpring StormHeaven KickNSRSlug HealingSuper WeightedSuper LightenedAtomic DismantlingMind TransMind Trans Palm SageMind Trans CloneWater PillarDissolvingSolid FogTruthseekerSPCRSix Paths ShurikenFlower CannonHard LightHundred Healings JutsuTsukuyomiYasaka BeadsIzanamiSSTBLimboInfinite TsukuyomiKurama RasenganEGVFMBAAme no MinakaParticle Pillar

Attack Class Ninjutsu
TeleportLeaf WhirlwindSeven BreathsSnake SummonLariatLightning ModeRasenganRasenshurikenMassive RasenLBSharinganKamuiLeaf FlashLeaf Rising WindGate of LimitsAlmighty PushUniversal PullPDVanish RasenTornado HighBoruto StrikeFlying RaijinFlying Raijin 2Rasen FlashLaughing BuddhaWood DragonShinsu SenjuOcto HugAcrobatEight TailsYouth RoarDynamic EntryEight Gates FormationRasenrampageKTIKLMHalo DanceOboroKotoSuper Uzumaki RasenganStrange TasteImperial WrathRitual DestructionBurning Ash 1Flaming MeteorsEnra 1Baryon Bullet BarrageBaryon Tail BreakerBaryon Mode1FTOHTruth-Seeking ScorchCross LanternNunobokoWood GolemDaikokuten ShokatsuGod HunterKarma Progression 1Two Tails TransformationRasengan ConnectionDemon Wind Bomb 1NT Rampage 1


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