Shinobi Striker Wiki


Zabuza is the first character - and only Defense Class master - to be featured in Season Pass 2.

Zabuza is a force to be reckoned with in both terms of offense & defense, especially while having his signature weapon - Seversword. The range on the sword is pure evil, and leaves little room to run in his presence.

Demon Hunter grants him Super Armor for 10 seconds, which can let him plow through attacks and wipe out enemies without getting knocked back; Water Prison Jutsu can keep targets caught in it immobile for a short time to allow a free hit, and Hidden Mist Jutsu can completely throw off the enemy team with how thick a mist he creates - which also cuts off the enemy's Substitutions.


Rank Reward
Training Rank 1 Ninja Master Unlocked
Training Rank 2 Demon Hunter Demon Hunter
Training Rank 3 Zabuza Outfit Zabuza Costume
Training Rank 4 Water Prison Jutsu Water Prison
Training Rank 5 Hidden Mist Jutsu Hidden Mist Jutsu
Training Rank 6 Shinobi Boost Seals
Training Rank 7 Hair (Zabuza) Zabuza Hair
Training Rank 8 Seversword: Executioner's Blade (Demon Human) Seversword, Demon Human
Training Rank 9 Shinobi Boost Seals
Training Rank 10 Face Paint: Demon Human Demon Human

Honorary Title: Demon of the Hidden Mist

See Also:[]
